Monday, November 27, 2006

Victoria Trip

This weekend, Nicholas my Dad and I went to Victoria to visit my Nana ( Nicholas' GREAT-Nana). I hadn't seen Nana since last June and she hadn't seen Nicholas since last Christmas, so I figured it was time for a trip. What I didn't count on was being caught in a snowstorm! We woke up Sunday morning to a blizzard outside our hotel room! It was crazy! I haven't seen it snow like that in years! So we stayed an extra night, bunking at my Aunts two bedroom appartment in Esquimalt. NOT the most roomy of accomidations let me tell you. Many a time in the 24 hour period we were there, we walked the halls with Nicholas so he could burn off some of his endless energy. I only wish I had 1/2 the energy he does..

We decided at 12:00 noon today that it was time to forge ahead and see how far we could get. We made it home after five..yes five..hours of stressful highway driving. Some people shouldn't be allowed out of their homes when it snows! Ugh! being the genius I am forgot my camera! My Dad did bring his though, and did get a few shots of the snow..although I have to wait for him to e-mail me the pictures. I will post them as soon as I get them. So glad to be home!

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