Sunday, December 2, 2007


We woke up Friday morning to find it snowing..and now two days later it's still snowing! In a 24 hour time frame Campbell River got 50 cm of snow! And it's still coming down..yikes! Here are some pics of my two favorite guys taking advantage of the weather, as well as some ''nature shots''.


We started renovating our house this's what we have so far..

Doing Dishes in the bathroom Sink

The Kitchen..Completely gutted

New paint colour

Nicholas playing in his cupboard

New cabinets

New countertops

New paint colour in the living room

New paint colour in the entry way

So all we have left to do is the rest of the upstairs....not much..right????

Friday, July 6, 2007

Some Random Pics

Here are some more recent pics of the little monster..Hope everyone is doing well!

2 Years Old

Well it's official..I have a two year old son! The party went well, and Nicholas has flown head first into the terrible's lovely! LOL He's such a stinker but we love him anyways. We just got back today from a week of camping, and have the tans to prove it! What a switch in the weather this week! I was getting so sick of the rain! Anyways, I'm off to bed to get some sleep...I really should concentrate on keeping an up to date blog...

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Big Boy

Nicholas is such a big boy! In three short months he'll be 2 years old! *sob*!! Tonight is his first night in his 'big boy bed' and the next thing we'll be tackeling is potty training. Here's some new pics!

Monday, March 26, 2007


So I am now a member of the UNEMPLYED CLUB! Woot woot! Saturday was my last shift, and after making $85 in tips in 5 hours it was hard not to re-think my decision!! But, money isn't everything! I want to be home to spend more time with Nicholas, and make dinner for my family, and volunteer more, and I've missed baking! Plus, baseball season is approaching rapidly, camping season as well...and all that sweet sweet hot weather! I want to get me a tan this year!! Wow I'm rambling! Anywho, that's the newest development in my life at the moment, and I will update with newer pics in a bit.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Good Times..

So I'm sitting at my friend Megan's house, looking though an online portfolio of a photographer she may use for her wedding in July. We're looking at the baby photos, the wedding photos and everything in between. Suddenly I stop scrolling and gape opened mouthed at the screen... I jump out of my chair and yelled at the top of my lungs..

"THAT'S THE CLAM CHOWDER GUY!", then proceeded to collapse into a fit of non-stop laughing. What are the chances? Seriously! Although I must say it was a beautiful picture of him and his daughter..I just still can't believe it. Only me! It would only happen to me!!